What is the BetterCo Onboarding & Compliance Platform?
What is the BetterCo Onboarding & Compliance Platform?
Collaboration with your clients / customers has never been so simple, digital and transparent - for both sides!
No more duplication of work, no more endless e-mailing back and forth with customers and no more long searches for the right documents. With just a few clicks, you have all important customer data, contacts and documents at your fingertips - efficiently and legally compliant. That is our claim with BetterCo.
BetterCo offers regulated companies and developers an AI-supported platform for seamless digital customer onboarding, including integrated money laundering prevention. This not only increases your efficiency and ensures 100% compliance, but also delights your customers - simply, worry-free and legally compliant.
Our platform at a glance:
1. acceptance of mandate
Digital, customizable questionnaires make the entire file acceptance process more efficient - from the first contact to the creation of the file. Offer interested parties the questionnaires directly on your website or send them conveniently by email.
Thanks to our interface to the commercial register, CompanyInfo and Northdata, most of the questionnaires will be pre-filled. This eliminates the need for tedious searching and updating of official data and makes your customer due diligence up to 5 times faster. This increases your productivity, relieves your specialists and at the same time fulfills all compliance obligations in an audit-proof manner and with minimal effort.
Use the ready-made risk analysis to classify the risk of clients, customers, dealers, investors or buyers according to various risk categories.
All your customers are checked against sanctions, PEP and adverse media lists using our fully automated AML engine. Due diligence obligations and the necessary review cycles are derived fully automatically, including the creation of audit-proof risk reports.
This keeps you up to date at all times and fulfills your verification and documentation obligations with minimal effort.
Verify the identity of your clients in just a few minutes and sign powers of attorney, contracts and consents 100% digitally. Thanks to our AI-supported identity verification and our partnership with Identify, you can prevent identity fraud and comply with your KYC/KYB regulations quickly and easily. Your clients / customers enjoy fast and uncomplicated onboarding, without any paperwork.
You are always kept up to date on changes in registers or on AML compliance lists thanks to our continuous monitoring. This means that you have access to information at all times throughout the entire customer lifecycle, while at the same time reducing administrative work to a minimum.
Offer both your customers/clients and your team the customer experience they deserve. With BetterCo, internal and external collaboration is finally simple, efficient and 100% digital. You always have an overview of all tasks, data, documents, contacts and events for each of your clients/customers.
No more slow email ping-pong and confusing filing. Focus on the things that add value for you and your client and let us take care of all the tedious administration.