Customer due diligence

Whether you are a lawyer, a tax consultant, a fund or simply a company - with our digital KY-X processes for legal entities and natural persons, you increase your product value, relieve your specialists and at the same time fulfill all compliance obligations in an audit-proof manner and with minimal effort.

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KYC/KYI/KYS/KYE Data determination

Depending on whether you want to determine the data of clients, investors, traders, legal entities or natural persons, a corresponding KYC process is available to you.

Customizable no-code workflows

Are you missing queries or are you being asked for irrelevant data? No problem, choose from our industry-specific processes and customize the process to suit your company.

- Client KYC Onboarding
- Investor KYC Onboarding
- Tax KYC Onboarding
- Risk Analysis
- Due Diligence
- Identity Verification
- Digital and Analog Signature
- Health Check
- and much more.

Prefilled data

Thanks to our integration of public data sources, around 80% of the data is validated and pre-filled in advance as if by magic.

Automatic loading of documents from the commercial register

Not only is validated data transferred automatically, we also automatically download the latest commercial register extracts, shareholder lists and other documents from the commercial register and make them available to you in your KY-X process.

Automatic reading of ID documents

Using the latest technologies, the data from international identity documents such as passports or ID cards is read out fully automatically and simply presented to you for verification.

Conflict Check

With our ready-made conflict check, you can quickly and easily analyze whether there is a potential conflict with one of the customer's associated contacts or companies.

KYC Reports

As soon as the KYX process has been successfully completed, a corresponding report is generated automatically. In this way, we enable an audit-proof audit trail over a long period of time.

Real-time cooperation incl. chat

A due diligence process can only be designed for maximum efficiency through real-time collaboration. For this reason, we offer features for smart collaboration across the entire workspace, such as group chats, discussions, comments and reminders.

Shared data room with consents, terms, contracts, etc.

The digital file works like a shared data room in which all documents, events, contacts etc. are stored and constantly updated. Determine exactly what your team members and clients may or may not see.

Risk management

Use the ready-made risk analysis to classify the risk of clients, customers, traders, investors or buyers along various risk categories and check your customers against AML data sources at any time. We derive the due diligence obligations and necessary review cycles for you fully automatically.

With automatically generated risk reports, you can fulfill your verification and documentation obligations with minimal effort.

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Risk analysis

BetterCo combines data, technology and human expertise in a single platform for efficient onboarding and compliance management. With just a few clicks, you can classify the risk of clients, customers, traders, investors and buyers along different risk categories.

Our system automatically derives the due diligence obligations and necessary review cycles for you.

AML screening

With our automated AML screening and continuous monitoring solutions, you can check your clients / customers for politically exposed persons (PEP), sanctions lists and adverse media. As soon as our AML engine finds a match, you will be notified for verification.

Politically exposed persons (PEP), sanctions lists, adverse media

Stay compliant and fight financial crime by checking users against global PEP watch and sanctions lists. Our lists in BetterCo are updated in real time, so you stay on track at all times in case there are updates or new entries. Scan unwanted items about your clients and customers across millions of sources with one click, and our AI-powered AML integration identifies in seconds.

Due diligence & review cycles

Based on your risk assessments, we automatically derive the due diligence obligations for you.

Risk Report

Once you have completed the risk analysis for your client/customer, a risk report is created fully automatically and stored in the digital file. This means you are always able to provide information and have all the relevant data to hand with just one click.

Risk dashboard

In your personal risk dashboard, you can analyze the risk position for companies or individual professionals/partners at any time according to criteria such as origin, organizational structure, organizational form and risk structure and are always able to provide information thanks to audit-proof reports.

Identity check & signature

With our Plug & Play Suite, you can check the identity of your clients / customers quickly, easily and 100% MLA-compliant and start signing contracts digitally. Faster, easier and more carefree.

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Identity check

We offer your customers MLA-compliant online identification via video chat. We guide your customers through the identification process in just a few minutes. All the customer needs is a computer, tablet or smartphone with internet access, a camera and a valid ID document. Our trained employees authenticate your customers in a secure, legally compliant and innovative way.

Automatic reading of ID documents

Using the latest technologies, the data from international identity documents such as passports or ID cards is read out fully automatically and simply presented to you for verification.

Analog and digital signatures

With BetterCo you accelerate your legally binding processes of (contract) signatures and increase the efficiency of your document management system to the maximum! Choose from our ready-made signature processes: wet-ink signature, eSigning via scan, SES, AES or QES.

Contracts, powers of attorney & resolutions

Browse our huge library of templates for remuneration agreements, mandate agreements, powers of attorney, resolutions and many more - all up to date with the latest case law.
Create your own templates with just a few clicks and sign conveniently and digitally with our DocuSign integration.


We live in a time in which we constantly have to obtain consent from our clients / customers. Even the smallest consent usually causes administrative overload and pure paper chaos. With BetterCo, this is finally simple, uncomplicated and digital! Whether you need consent to the processing of master data, consent to the data protection declaration or consent to representation vis-à-vis BaFin or the commercial register - thanks to your BetterCo Workspace and the ready-made processes, you can do it quickly and easily. Your client/customer is informed in real time by email and the approved consent is sent directly to the right place in your system.

Monitoring & Governance

Political and regulatory conditions change very quickly. BetterCo monitors all PEP watch lists, sanctions lists and unsolicited media in real time and notifies you as soon as a match is found with your existing or newly acquired mandates / clients. In combination with our event ticker, which informs you about relevant events, such as changes at shareholder level, you stay up-to-date and informed throughout the entire customer lifecycle.

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Event Timeline

During the entire lifecycle of a company, hundreds of events take place that are important for you as an AMLA-regulated company to comply with due diligence obligations, such as the appointment of new managing directors, financing rounds, changes of address and so on.

Event ticker

In future, you will no longer miss any critical events - from changes in the shareholder structure and important events in contract management to expiring deadlines for resolutions or expired ID documents. Our event ticker keeps you informed in real time.

Contacts & Relations

On average, a company has 20+ relevant relationships (CEO, legal representatives, beneficial owners, investors, etc.) that need to be checked in order to comply with AMLA regulations.

During customer due diligence, all these relevant contacts to your client/customer are automatically synchronized with 60+ relationship types from public data sources, checked and stored in your system. You can expand these with any number of contacts and categorize them with 100+ of your own relationship types.

OrgCharts & Cap-Tables

Through graphical Org Charts & Cap Tables we offer the best overview of all relevant contacts and shareholders of a company. All relevant changes are synchronized and updated in real time.

Smart linking of events, contacts and documents

We not only provide you with data, events, contacts and documents in real time, but also link them together so that you no longer have to switch back and forth between document and data chaos in order to find all the information on a particular event, document or contact.

AML Alerts

Our automated AML engine continuously checks your client's contacts and companies for entries in PEP, sanctions or adverse media lists and notifies you of new matches.


With our continuous monitoring and the automatically derived due diligence obligations, you are informed in good time about upcoming re-KYCs.

Legally compliant templates for resolutions, contracts and much more.

Whether you want to pass resolutions or draw up contracts, our library of 100+ legally compliant templates offers you the right, lawyer-approved document for almost every conceivable use case. Put your document management system on autopilot and concentrate on the essentials: Making decisions and passing resolutions - simply and digitally. With our event ticker, all parties involved are reminded of upcoming deadlines in good time.

Smart Collaboration

With BetterCo, internal and external collaboration with colleagues, customers, clients, buyers, dealers or investors is finally simple, efficient & 100% digital. Always have an overview of all tasks, data, documents, contacts & events for each of your clients / customers.

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Master data, beneficial owners & contacts

You can manage and organize all relevant data and documents in your digital file. With just a few clicks, you have everything at your fingertips, such as company and address data, all beneficial owners, legal representatives, all relevant documents, AML updates and much more

All this data is determined quickly and easily thanks to our digital customer due diligence solution and documented in an audit-proof manner.

No-code workflows & tasks

Our library includes countless ready-made and industry-specific processes: from KYC/KYB onboarding and risk analysis to identity verification processes. Choose the process you want and start working with your client/customer in record time. Thanks to our no-code technology, you can adapt the processes to your needs with just a few clicks and assign tasks directly to your client.

Documents & Templates

Your BetterCo Suite provides you with the most commonly used templates from the areas of corporate, tax, labor law and compliance, and based on validated data and the integration of public data sources, your documents are up to 80% pre-fillable and integrate seamlessly into your compliance and cooperation workflows.

Timeline management

Using public data sources, all relevant events are displayed as a timeline for each of your clients / customers as if by magic. We track events from 50+ categories, such as changes in top-level management, M&A events, shareholder meetings and much more.

Reporting & Audit Trails

For audit-proof documentation, we create fully automated KYC and risk reports, and additional audit histories of client, contact, event and document data, including an activity timeline, enable an audit trail over a long period of time. This means that you will be able to provide 100% information at all times with just a few clicks.

API & Data Integration

Integrate all our data and workflows into your system

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With our API, you can integrate all master data, events, documents, contacts and the entire files of your clients / customers / dealers into your system.


Integrate all our ready-made workflows quickly and easily and adapt them to your needs and industry:

- Client KYC onboarding
- Investor KYC onboarding
- Tax KYC onboarding
- Risk analysis
- Due diligence
- Identity check
- Digital and analog signature
- Health check
- and much more.

The AI-powered compliance platform for KY-X regulated companies

What our customers say

"With BetterCo, we achieve extreme time and cost savings for the KYC onboarding and risk analysis of our clients, the signing of the mandate agreement and the ongoing money laundering monitoring. Our clients appreciate the short processing times and we no longer have to play e-mail ping-pong. Our partners can focus on their projects instead of tedious administration."

Helder Schnittker
Managing Partner, YPOG Partnership Berlin

"As an investment banker, we are committed to MLA for our strategy and M&A advisory services.
BetterCo makes it very easy for our teams to collect the necessary KYC data completely and quickly. BetterCo also actively informs us about changes at our clients. In addition, our risk position is transparent for me at all times.

Falk Müller-Veerse
Managing Partner Bryan, Garnier & Co, Munich

"Failure to comply with the AMLA will be severely punished by the competent supervisory authorities. In addition to severe fines, an entry can be made in the central trade register. With the KYC workflows from BetterCo, we can prove at any time that we have complied with our duty of care and fulfill the recording and storage obligations under the AMLA."

Karin Arnold
Lawyer and notary, board member of the Berlin Chamber of Notaries
Arnold Anwälte, Berlin