The problem

High costs, long throughput times, no transparency

With more than 100 professionals, YPOG is one of the leading German law firms in the field of venture capital, private equity and fund structuring with offices in Berlin, Cologne and Hamburg.

In view of its rapid growth, YPOG was faced with the problem that the onboarding of new clients and the creation of new files was purely email and paper-based. Before mandates could be signed, this led to high throughput times and extreme administrative effort for professionals and specialist staff.

In particular, the effort involved in client KYC, for which lawyers are obliged to comply with the Money Laundering Act in the exercise of their profession if they are involved in the planning or execution of so-called catalog transactions in accordance with Section 2 (1) No. 10 GwG, led to high costs and frustration - not only for clients but also for professionals who were subject to money laundering checks.

There was no system that held all the necessary data end-to-end in order to act in an information-secure and audit-proof manner and to provide the supervisory authorities with transparent information about the risk position of the law firm and the professionals.

The solution

All clients - all processes - one system

BetterCo provides YPOG with an audit-proof platform in which YPOG digitizes the entire customer journey for client onboarding and file creation.

The YPOG Office team records ALL clients (not just those for whom a KYC is required) via all channels (internal or via the web). This ensures that a complete risk position can be recorded for the entire law firm and per professional and that there is only one point for recording clients and files.

The connection to the commercial register means that data and documents are automatically pre-filled. Communication with clients takes place efficiently via a chat module instead of email.

The necessary onboarding processes are handled via no-code-based, customizable workflows. This includes the KYC of natural and legal persons, risk analysis, alternative digital and analog methods for identity verification (Face-2-Face, certified copy, IDNow, ...) and for signing the mandate agreement (handwritten, Docusign, IDNow, ...). The new file is also created in BetterCo and transferred to the law firm system (LegalSense),
More productivity
Faster onboarding
Partner Involvement

"With BetterCo, we achieve extreme time and cost savings for the KYC onboarding and risk analysis of our clients, the signing of the mandate agreement and the ongoing money laundering monitoring. Our clients appreciate the short processing times and we no longer have to play e-mail ping-pong. Our partners can focus on their projects instead of tedious administration."

Helder Schnittker
Managing Partner, YPOG Partnership Berlin

About betterco

For all your clients

BetterCo is an end-to-end onboarding and all-in-one collaboration platform for AML-regulated companies in the legal, tax and finance segments and their clients. BetterCo records low-risk clients directly and higher-risk clients securely, including the audit-proof fulfillment of all anti-money laundering obligations, and promises the ability to provide evidence and information to the supervisory authorities at all times. A fully digitalized, KYC-compliant customer journey accelerates the process from sign-up to mandate signing by a factor of up to 5 and increases productivity and reduces the workload of specialists by up to 90%.
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Better be Compliant.
Better be Collaborative.

Get started today and become 100% compliant.

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Frequently asked questions


Are ALL lawyers "obliged entities" under the AMLA?  

Not all lawyers are "obliged entities" within the meaning of the AMLA.
According to Section 2 para. 1 no. 10 GwG, lawyers, chambered legal advisors,
patent attorneys and notaries are obligated if they
a) participate in the planning and execution of the following transactions
for their clients:
aa) buying and selling real estate and commercial enterprises,
bb) managing money, securities or other assets,
cc) opening or managing bank, savings or securities accounts,
dd) raising the funds required to establish, operate or manage
ee) establishing, operating or managing trusts,
companies or similar structures or
b) carrying out financial or real estate transactions in the name and for the account of the client.
2In-house lawyers
This also applies in principle, as follows from Section 6 (3) GwG, to
in-house lawyers if they carry out the aforementioned catalog transactions as part
of their professional activity as employees of a company.

Which processes does BetterCo support out-of-the-box?  

BetterCo supports the AMLA-compliant onboarding and monitoring of your clients, investors, buyers, traders, holdings, customers, .... KYC onboarding includes the identification (= data determination) of your customers - whether as natural persons or legal entities (B2C/B2B-KYC) - as well as the identification of the beneficial owners and their authorized representatives, if applicable. For this purpose, we access public data sources in order to pre-fill data as far as possible. Based on the data obtained, you can prepare the risk analysis and derive due diligence obligations. In order to verify the identity of customers, beneficial owners and authorized representatives after identification, we offer appropriate methods - from Face-2-Face Verification to Qualified Electronic Signature with VideoIdent. You can of course bring your own DocuSign account with you.

What options do I have to customize BetterCo to give my customers a consistent user experience?

BetterCo can be seamlessly integrated into your website. The data is stored directly in your BetterCo workspace and can be further qualified along the kyc-compliant onboarding, risk analysis and identity verification process. If required, the customer can be invited to collaborate in BetterCo at any time and add or confirm information if necessary.

Over the years, we have established a mixture of digitalized, email and paper-based processes. These are difficult to change. How does BetterCo fit into our existing processes?

Thanks to our approach of generating no-code workflows and being able to save extended master or process data dynamically, all processes can be adapted to your needs. By default, each workflow generates a PDF-based report at the end. This can serve as a "bridge" to email and paper-based processes. On the other hand, you can easily create workflows in which you save your PDF reports. In this way, you can gradually digitize the existing customer journey.

I already have a CRM or a downstream practice management / ERP system in use. Which systems can BetterCo be integrated with?

BetterCo is an end-to-end system - supporting all onboarding processes from integration into your website to contract signing. However, BetterCo's architecture is designed for integration into existing system landscapes. Together with our partners, we are constantly expanding our "out-of-the-box" integrations, e.g. in law firm systems such as LegalSense or CRMs such as Hubspot. Get in touch with us.

As an AMLA-regulated company, I am obliged to regularly check the risk of my customer base. How can BetterCo support me here?

BetterCo offers the option of regularly checking all company and contact data of your customers against public data sources such as the commercial register or PEP, sanctions or adverse media data. Dedicated notifications can be set up to inform you, for example, about the appointment of new managing directors, changes in the shareholder structure or a PEP entry.