Start with mandates in hours instead of weeks and relieve staff

Thanks to digital, customizable questionnaires, the entire file acceptance process is finally efficient - from initial contact to file creation.


Paper-based file and client creation leads to frustration for your specialists AND your clients 

Too much time spent on data collection

Numerous e-mails and phone calls are necessary for all files and processes until all relevant information is available.

Clients expect a smooth service

We live in a digital, networked world and expect fast and uncomplicated service in all areas of life. In order to remain competitive, digitized and efficient processes are a must.

Time-consuming communication with clients

Numerous emails and phone calls are necessary for all files and processes until all the relevant information is available. You don't have this time for the important tasks.


Take a look at 2 methods for easy matter intake

Either your client can quickly and easily onboard themselves via a digital questionnaire on your website, or you can proactively send a Magic Link to your client. In both cases, all information on the file, client and counterparties is automatically entered into your system.

1. contact request via the website

A potential client contacts the law firm by e-mail, web or telephone with their request. In preparation for the consultation, the client is asked to complete the digital questionnaire for file acceptance.

2. selection of the appropriate questionnaire

The client selects the appropriate questionnaire for their request and fills it out at their leisure with all relevant information and documents such as resolutions, expert opinions or photos.

3. file is created and all data ends up in your system

Would you like to accept the file? All information on the file, client and counterparties is automatically entered into your system. After just a short time, you can focus on the actual collaboration.

Now work even faster and receive 80% of the data pre-filled

An optional master data package can be used to simplify and accelerate the creation of mandates, affiliated companies and counterparties with "pre-filled" data and documents.

1. create a client with just a few clicks

Create your client quickly and easily. Thanks to our interface to public authorities (such as the commercial register), approx. 80% of the data can be pre-filled.

2. client receives requested questionnaire by e-mail

Choose from our library of ready-made questionnaires and invite your client by e-mail. Now you can sit back and relax.

3. file is created and all data ends up in your system

You have complete transparency about progress at all times. All data ends up in your system fully automatically, both in the file and in the master data. Without any time-consuming ping-pong in communication.

Now work even faster and receive 80% of the data pre-filled

An optional master data package can be used to simplify and accelerate the creation of mandates, affiliated companies and counterparties with "pre-filled" data and documents.


More turnover with less effort - with BetterCo you save up to 90% time per file creation.

Your specialists have more time for value-adding tasks

Digital questionnaires for client acceptance significantly reduce the workload of specialists by digitizing and automating the process of data collection and management.

Less ping-pong in communication

Make the digital questionnaire available to your clients flexibly - via your website, by e-mail or on site at your office.

Your client enters all relevant information independently

Your clients can enter their information independently and quickly online, regardless of your business hours.

More satisfied clients

The intake process is accelerated and waiting times are reduced. Digital, easy-to-understand questionnaires including extensive assistance increase convenience for the client and reduce the risk of errors.

Transparency for both sides

Thanks to a digitalized process and automated feedback, both sides have a precise overview of progress and all relevant data at all times.

Improved data quality & data security

Automatic validation functions and our interface to public data sources (e.g. trade registers) prevent incorrect and costly entries.


All ready-made questionnaires at a glance

Your desired form is not listed?

Together we can create your desired form

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This allows you to integrate our digital questionnaires and offer your clients a first-class onboarding experience 

Option #1

Integrate the digital questionnaires as a portal on your website

Integrate the desired questionnaires directly on your website and provide your clients with a very convenient initial contact.

Possibility #2

Integrate your desired questionnaire directly into your website via iFrame

Avoid media disruptions for your clients and offer the digital questionnaires via iFrame on your website. Your clients can start entering their data directly and easily.

Possibility #3

Provide a link to the desired digital questionnaires

You don't want to integrate a portal or iFrames? No problem! Simply refer to the desired questionnaire via a link.

Possibility #4

Send your clients a link by e-mail

Proactively invite your clients to start entering data. To do this, simply send your clients a link by e-mail.

Our customers use BetterCo with the following law firm systems:

Your law firm software is not yet included?

Just get in touch with us!

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