Your workspace

Which third-party systems can I configure in the workspace?

We have currently integrated the following third-party systems into our system:


With Identify24, we offer your customers MLA-compliant online identification via video chat. We guide your customers through the identification process in just a few minutes. All the customer needs is a computer, tablet or smartphone with internet access, a camera and a valid ID document. Identify24's trained employees authenticate your customers in a secure, legally compliant and innovative way.

You can add your API key via Settings > Integrations and you are ready to start identifying your clients.


Thanks to our DATEV integration, all your clients/addressees are imported from the connected DATEV system. No updates are made to data that has already been imported. You can check the results in the report.

You can add your API key via Settings > Integrations and start importing your clients.


Thanks to our integration, all your clients end up in your AnNoText account. This way you avoid double housekeeping and still benefit from all the advantages of BetterCo.


IDnow is a secure identification platform that enables companies to verify the identity of their customers digitally and in real time. With state-of-the-art technologies such as video-ident and eSignature, we use IDnow to offer you and your clients a fast, user-friendly and legally compliant solution for identity verification.

Would you like further integrations or would you like to integrate BetterCo into your system?

Discover here our developer and partner portal with all the necessary information, the latest case studies and our API documentation.