Your workspace

What settings can you make for your workspace?

The following settings are available for your workspace:

Team members

Add as many team members as you like to your workspace.

When you add a new client, you can select a responsible partner and a responsible assistant. All your team members are available here.

You can assign individual tasks within processes to your team members. All your team members are also available for selection here.


You don't want to send out BetterCo links? No problem, you can link your own domain, which is used for shared links, e.g. for client invitations and the shared process links.

API Keys

Would you like to integrate BetterCo data into your system via our API? That's no problem! You can find your personal API key in your workspace settings. Here you will find further information on how you can integrate our data and workflows into your own system or product.

Do you have any questions? Feel free to get in touch! Our CTO will be happy to help and support you.


You can use the language settings to select the German style to be used by default in communication with your client.

Process settings

In this area, you can define the functional behavior of processes, such as

  • Allow automatic reading of ID documents
  • Automated audit-proof completion of processes when all tasks have been completed
  • ...