The AI onboarding and compliance platform

Client onboarding on autopilot - how it works

January 2, 2024
3 minutes

In a fast-paced world, efficiency in working with clients is more important than ever. Lawyers, tax consultants and management consultants are constantly faced with the challenge of making their services effective and customer-oriented. But the reality is often very different, especially when it comes to client onboarding: from email ping pong to analog document chaos with incomplete data to isolated digital solutions. And then there's the constant pressure to always have the latest data to hand.

The 6 biggest pain points when onboarding your client - do you recognize yourself?

Lawyers' biggest pain points when working with and onboarding clients include a variety of challenges that impact efficiency, communication, data security and client satisfaction. Here are some of the key pain points:

1. communication difficulties:

Communicating effectively with clients can be a challenge. Misunderstandings, unclear expectations and a lack of updates can lead to frustration on both sides.

2. complicated data acquisition and processing:

Collecting and processing personal and case-related client data can often be cumbersome and time-consuming. Missing, incomplete or inaccurate information can slow down the entire onboarding process.

3. time and resources required:

The onboarding process can be very time-consuming and resource-intensive. This is especially true in cases where each client requires an individualized approach. Balancing efficiency and personal attention can be a challenge for lawyers.

4. data protection and security concerns:

Clients are often concerned about the security and confidentiality of their sensitive information. Lawyers need to ensure that their practices and systems comply with data protection regulations, which can be a challenge.

5. document management:

Organizing and managing a large volume of documents and files can be time-consuming and is prone to errors.

6 Technological hurdles:

For both the lawyer and the client, the use of onboarding technology can be a barrier, especially if either party is not tech-savvy. This can slow down the process and lead to frustration.

🔥 What if there was a single tool that...

  • Your client onboards themselves in a relaxed manner via smartphone using a digital questionnaire
  • Fully automatically load and monitor client data from the public commercial register and other APIs into your digital file
  • you can communicate with your client via digital files and collaborate in real time
  • Have all relevant data, documents and communication centrally in one platform
  • You can create individual onboarding processes with just a few clicks
  • everything is 100% compliant with data protection and AMLA?

We have good news: you can achieve all this and much more with BetterCo.

BetterCo - your path to automated client onboarding

Whether you are a lawyer, a tax consultant, a fund or simply a company - with our digital processes for legal entities and natural persons, you can increase your productivity, reduce the workload of your specialists and at the same time fulfill all compliance obligations in an audit-proof manner and with minimal effort.

And this is how it works:

1. select a process from our toolbox

Our toolbox contains XX ready-made processes for you, such as: KYC onboarding, general onboarding without KYC, risk analysis, identification, digital signature, and much more

2. customize fields and/or logic with just a few clicks coming soon

If you have individual requirements, you can quickly and easily change the fields or even the logic according to your wishes

3. send the process to your client with one click via Magic Link

Is your process ready to be sent? With one click, you can generate the Magic Link and send it to your client by email. They can open the process (e.g. via smartphone) and fill in the necessary data. They don't even have to be registered with BetterCo to do this. Now you can work on the process, fill in data and leave comments at the same time.

4. work together in real time

Now you can work on the process, fill in data and leave comments at the same time.

5. have all data centrally in your digital file

Once your client has finally confirmed their data, you will be notified by email. All data will now be transferred to your digital file.

6. stay up-to-date fully automatically (without any headaches)

Thanks to our interface to the public commercial register, other APIs and our digital re-KYC processes, the data is always up-to-date and you no longer need to worry about how to keep the data in your system up-to-date.

Does that sound interesting?

Book a free product demo and find out how you can take your client relationships to a new level with BetterCo. And on top of that, measurably reduce effort, time and costs.

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